Beginning a Blog (Again.)

Influenced by the advice from a book, I have decided to start a blog. And as I begin, I’ve been reflecting on my internet footprint. The many profiles on social media I have: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, TikTok, Pinterest, etc. At the beginning of it all was the original: Tumblr. Now mostly abandoned, my Tumblr still exists on the outskirts of the web. A poorly coded mess of images, quotes, and musings dating back to when I was fourteen. Cringe on many levels, the old blog nevertheless warms my heart. My mother was resistant to social media, so I didn't come to most sites until later in my adolescence, but my mother thought Tumblr would be safer (lol). Tracing back over a decade and buried among the aesthetic photos and text posts is valuable insight into my teenage psyche.

Typically, she was very moody. She wrote short poetry and tried to go viral on many occasions. She took her own grainy aesthetic photos sometimes and she loved dance and theater and her best friend Shirley. Going back through my old blog I’m reminded two things: 1.) I’ve always had excellent taste and 2.) it’s so great to have your own piece of the internet. So starting once again, I would like to unapologetically shout my musings into the void and I don’t mind if anyone listens.

All my love,



Taking notes and taking notes (writing my first article for publication)