(Re) Embarking on “The Artist’s Way”

I am notorious for being a constant stop and starter. I say I’m going to do something, start it, then put it down and forget about it for weeks or months at a time. This blog is a perfect example: there is more than a month ago between some posts. I declared I would start The Artist’s Way at the end of October and I honestly haven’t touched it since. However, I’ve hit a bit of a creative block. I’ve been doubting my abilities a lot recently. My work has been unfocused and unfulfilling, so I thought maybe starting again could help.

This morning I did the brain dump like before, and oh boy is three whole pages of long form word vomiting hard to do. By the end my hand was cramping, my eyes were droopy, and I had a tingle in my butt from sitting too long in an uncomfortable position. Despite all that I somehow managed to get three pages worth of musings in my notebook. It really does work too. I feel more motivated and more open to creative inspiration. Today I’m going to take myself on an Artist’s date and I will report my findings.

Wish me luck!


Work in Progress #6


Work in Progress 5: Music for Saint Catherine